Reclaimed Water Upgrade

Project Year:


Project Budget:


WCQI Grant:


Regional District of Central Okanagan

Project Description:

The goal of this project was to significantly reduce potable water usage at the Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The project achieved a 67% reduction in potable water used at the WWTP. The WWTP consumed 38,510 M3 of water in 2012, mostly in washwater uses, mechanical cooling systems, irrigation and spray nozzle mechanisms. Potable water supply to the plant is metered and billed quarterly. Project success was measured against historic meter records. The goal was achieved by using reclaimed water as an alternative to potable water. The WWTP had a small reclaimed water system in place but it was limited by water quality and a small distribution system. Stage 1 of the project refurbished two reclaimed water pumps to get them back to original capacity and normal efficiencies. Stage 2 was the purchase of a 100 micron water filter system. The filter eliminated the potential fouling of the fine orifice openings of the various mechanical systems. Stage 3 was the plumbing and pipe work involved to convert the potable water distribution system over to the reclaimed water source. By utilizing reclaimed water for non-potable uses such as irrigation and other industrial uses, potable water was conserved. Water reclamation reduces effluent entering Okanagan Lake and reduces costs. Thus water reclamation integrates both water supply and wastewater treatment systems and by doing so conserves water, and sets an example that others can look to and model.

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